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2 months in HRT

Writer: victoria hincapie gomezvictoria hincapie gomez

By: Victoria Hincapie Gomez Date:April 4, 2022

For those of you who don't know what the acronym HRT means , it stands for hormone replacement therapy, which consist in my case on a dosis of estrogen and testosterone blocker. I started the treatment back in February 1st of this year, and since then I have been very pleased with the changes that have perceived so far.

For trans people the process of getting a hormone prescription from a specialist is a long process and not easy at all , we have to go through a psychology evaluation in which we basically tell our story and when did we realize that we were trans. In comparison to many cases that I have seen online or heard , mine wasn't that long.

I came out to my friends and family as trans in October of last year , and decided to seek a psychologist not only to vent about what I was through but to also eventually get referred to an specialist that could prescribe me the hormones.

After talking with the psychologist for about a month , he referred me to my hormone specialist back in November. We got to knew each other over months in which I talked about my journey of realizing I was trans , to be able to reassure her that I didn't had any doubts on whether this was the right call or not. In that span she also explained me what taking the hormones would entail in terms of reproduction , fat distribution , hair growth , etc.

Three months had to happen in order to finally get the specialist approval and hormone prescription. I recall every single detail of the day I went to the pharmacy right across my campus residence , to buy those hormones that I was longing for such a long period of time.

The first two weeks happened so fast , and although the changes weren't exactly evident to an outsider's perspective , I started to see them. I saw how slow the hair around my body grew back in much smaller quantities and some mood changes.

Even though I was happy to start the treatment ,overwhelming feelings overruled my thoughts at all time. I wanted and sometimes I still do , to skip or somehow speed up the years to come and reach the point towards a time in my life that I didn't found myself situated in this transitioning limbo.

Every day I tried to be as positive as I could , pointing out when I was down the changes I was starting to see progressively and picturing myself in a few years.But sometimes having a positive midset isn't enough. Don't get me wrong , the hormones came in the moment I needed them the most for my mental sake, but it has also propelled extreme mood changes.

There are days that I wake up and feel like not even getting off of my bed , and there are others in which I am excessively happy on the verge of becoming annoying. We tend to romanticize everything , leaving behind the hurdles of every choice or commitment.

Is more than just getting softer skin , feminization of features and fluctuations on your weight. It gives your body a 360 turn and makes you feel things that even if they were warned ,feel so strange.

Many people don't sympathize with the things women like me face and encounter ourselves with on a daily basis , they think we chose to be this way. But who would chose to take pills the rest of their lives to be their authentic selfs, by choice? No one.

I would give anything to be cis or to have a time machine , but there are things that unfortunately we can not control.These two months have challenged me in multiple ways and made me realized that looking back on the could have and would have is a waste of time.

For any of you reading this that are thinking of transitioning medically or know someone who is wanting to , enjoy the process without obsessing with seeing results immediately, be patient.

I hope you liked it , feel free to comment down below.



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